Music, hi! My name is Matt Powell, and I'm proud to introduce to you a friend of mine, Richard Driscoll. He is a workers' compensation attorney board certified by the Florida Bar. Today, we're going to talk a little bit about what rights people have and what the laws are in Florida if they're involved in a workplace injury. Richard, welcome! Thank you very much, Matt. Let's start off by discussing how common workplace injuries and fatalities are. Well, Matt, according to the US Department of Labor, there are almost 3 million workplace injuries reported each year. Now, what should a person do if they are injured on the job? Alright, it's very important that, right away, you notify a supervisor as soon as possible. Just letting a co-worker know isn't good enough. To make sure the employer and the insurance company are responsible to provide medical and lost wage benefits, the accident must be reported within 30 days. Okay, now I know you're board certified as a workers' compensation attorney. Why is board certification so important to consider when someone is going to hire an attorney? Well, obviously, hiring an attorney is a very important decision. So, make sure you hire one who has extensive experience as a specialist. A board-certified workers' compensation attorney has passed a difficult written examination on all aspects of the workers' compensation law and has tried a large number of cases before the judge of compensation claims. Now, let's discuss the three or four most common mistakes that workers make, leading to them failing or messing up their workers' compensation claim. This is not an exhaustive list and is in no particular order, but I've thought of several. First, allowing the employer to talk the worker out of bringing a workers' compensation claim in...
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Dwc-1 florida Form: What You Should Know
Employer Instructions for Completing the LES Form DWC-1 The LES Form DWC-1, or First Report of Injury or Illness, is the form used to Lawson Road, Building F, Tallahassee, Florida 32301), or fax to (850.946.5542. If you have received personal injury wages or funeral benefits, you should report them in your account immediately. Your employer will pay your wages and expenses for immediate recovery. Payments are not made until all debts to the court and insurance company have been paid, or you have paid the debt. You are responsible for paying back all debts to the court and insurance company.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dwc-1 florida