Welcome to another episode of the Georgia workers compensation video series. My name is Jason Perkins, and I'm a Georgia workers compensation attorney. I've created this video series to provide people who've been injured at work with helpful information about the rules of Georgia's workers compensation law and the benefits available to them under that law. Today, I want to talk to you about what's called a full duty release from your workers compensation doctor. Usually, when you see a workers compensation doctor, one of their jobs is to provide medical treatment. But the other job at the end of your appointment is to make a decision about whether they think you can go back to work or not. There are basically three different types of work statuses that your doctor might provide to you. One is out of work completely, which means you can't do any sort of work. The second is some sort of restricted work, such as sedentary duty, light duty, medium duty, or other various types of work restrictions. In that case, the doctor is saying that you can do some work, but you can't do unrestricted work. The third type of work status is where the doctor says that you can go back to regular duty work without restrictions or full duty work. Now, today, I'm going to talk to you about that type of work status. The issue with that type of work status is that when your doctor says you can go back to full duty work, if you've been receiving workers compensation benefits, then Georgia law generally allows the insurance company to send you a form in the mail notifying you of the full duty release and giving you ten days' notice before stopping your checks. Now, if you are actually able to go...
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Dwc 73 Form: What You Should Know
It also ensures that workers who become disabled while on the job are treated adequately for their disability. The DWC does not give us the insurance carrier the final decision as to whom to cover. The health care carrier will rely on the DWC Report in making that decision. The DWC Report may contain the names, contact information, and medical, exact dates of injuries, and other information the primary source, if known. We cannot provide medical treatment information if it is not listed in the DWC Report. The DWC Report provides a means by which to report an injury to an employer or a contact of either. There are a few different factors that can affect how the final decision is made. For example, the person filing the DWC Report can file a complaint within the first 10 months after the injury. Any person filing a DWC Report who has more than two years of service may file a complaint within five months. The final decision for any work status injury is made by the medical provider involved (see page 2 under “How is a work status Injury classified?”). If the medical provider determines that the worker is able to work, they issue him or her an insurance policy. The medical provider may not provide medical treatment information if it isn't provided on the DWC Report. We can provide information to a patient, but it cannot be used to classify or determine whether the patient is considered disabled by the DWC. However, we can give the information to the health care provider. This can be beneficial to both parties because it provides proof of an injury that can be used to determine if the patient is disabled. You may file a complaint regarding a DWC Report by completing and signing the DWC Form Report at the address listed under Section F. of the DWC Form (this form can also be downloaded to your computer) to include and designate a person to receive your report. Filing a complaint is the only way for you to review the DWC Report as well as learn of the health care provider's medical evaluation.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Dwc form 73